
admin 4个月前 (02-22) 成功案例 30 0


  adv. 较少地;较小地;更小地

  adj. 较少的;较小的

  prep. 减去

  n. 较少;较小


  r. to a lesser extent


  r. more,to a greater extent

  a. more,more than


  1. I use less water.


  2. Then suddenly remembered, we have less love.


  3. But many said there should be less dependence on human trials.



  较少; 更少的; 较少的; 更少的,更小的,其次的;

  Less than

  不超过; 小于; 不足; 不到;

  still less

  何况; 更不用说; 更少; 更何况;

  less educated


  One less

  干掉了一个; 消灭指定目标;




  较少; 更少的; 较少的; 更少的,更小的,其次的;

  Less than

  不超过; 小于; 不足; 不到;

  still less

  何况; 更不用说; 更少; 更何况;

  less educated


  One less

  干掉了一个; 消灭指定目标;


  adv. 较少地;较小地;更小地

  adj. 较少的;较小的

  prep. 减去

  n. 较少;较小


  r. to a lesser extent


  r. more,to a greater extent

  a. more,more than


  1. I use less water.


  2. Then suddenly remembered, we have less love.


  3. But many said there should be less dependence on human trials.


  People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.


  Motorways actually cover less than . percent of the countryside


  I often think about those less fortunate than me


  At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp


  We are eating more and exercising less


  I never talked about it, still less about her


  The couple seem to spend less and less time together


  Her greeting was less than enthusiastic


  He had returned to England in an aircraft carrier no less


  Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences.


  Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs.


  Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room


  Poverty is less of a problem now than it used to be.


  Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.


  ——英文no less的中文是什么意思(3)份


  less 英 [les] 美 [lɛs]

  形容词 较小的; 较少的(little的比较级); 较次的,较劣的; 较不重要的

  副词 较少地,较小地

  介词 减去; 少掉; 不足

  名词 较少,较小

  1. According to the draft teaching plan Entrepreneurship Foundations released by the Ministry of Education, the course requires no less than two credit units and 32 hours.

  2. The nomination threshold requires a candidate to have no less than 150 nominations and each EC member can only nominate one candidate.

  3. Their net capital must be no less than 50 percent of net assets.

  4. Net capital must be no less than 70 percent of net assets over that period.

  5. Companies whose total capital exceeds 400 million yuan should make no less than 10 percent available for public subscription when going public.

  6. Statistics also show that though less trees were felled, actual income was no less than that of last year.

  7. A scan showed no visible lesions, meaning all were less than 1 centimeter in length.

  8. People who receive this vaccine will develop chicken pox with less fever and no scar, and they will recover in a quickly manner.

  9. The modern Cinderella story of an overweight lady is no less enchanting than the tale's other versions.

  10. Hong Kong's paparazzi are considered no less adept at digging up dirt than their tabloid counterparts in the UK.

  1. Here was knowledge in which no one could partake; and she was sensible that nothing less than a perfect understanding between the parties could justify her in throwing off this last incumbrance of mystery.


  2. Here was knowledge in which no one could partake; and she was sensible that nothing less than a perfect understanding between the parties could justify her in throwing off this last encumbrance of mystery.


  3. Condition 8534 - If you are not sponsored by the Commonwealth of Australia or the government of your home country, and you are an Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5 student whose overall study intentions in Australia are 10 months or less in duration, you are subject to a'no further stay'condition.

  申请人拿到手的签证是三年还是一年,并不取决于你的`Offer,而是取决于PVA预审通过、支付学费后学校向**发出的eCOE上的COURSE DURATION。有些大学是预科中心和国际学生办公室分别发一个eCOE给**,因此学生的签证时间为四年。

  4. The Declaration of Independence mentions the Supreme Being no less than four times.


  5. No less than four times a year you have a cold?


  6. The community of Solesmes have been expelled from their monastery by the French government no less than four times.


  7. The bookstore has changed hands no less than four times during the past four years.


  8. Health-care reform is no less necessary after the NRW election than it was before.


  9. And as in childhood, when existence had no toil beyond the day's simple lesson, no ambition beyond the neighboring approval of the night, I brought to you the morning's task for the evening's sanction, so now I bring to you this self-appointed taskwork of maturer years; less confident indeed of your approval, but not less confident of your love; and anxious only to realize your presence between myself and the public, and to mingle with those severer voices to whose final sentence I submit my work the beloved and gracious accents of your own.


  ——no more no less的中文是什么意思优选【一】篇

  no more no less的中文是什么意思

  英文短语no more no less的用法是很重要的,我们一定要掌握它的中文意思。下面就让百分网小编给大家分享关于英语no more no less的中文意思的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!

  英语no more no less的中文意思


  more 英 [m:(r)] 美 [mr, mor]


  副词 更,更多; 达到或处于更大的范围或程度; 此外,更加

  形容词 更多的; (many)的`比较级; 附加的,额外的

  代词 更多的或附加的人或事物

  名词 更多; 附加,添加

  英语no more no less的单语例句

  1. No matter how all these cases will eventually be recorded, there is little doubt that overwork was more or less a factor in the tragedies.

  2. Their duration may be no less than eight days and no more than 20 days, and at least six different countries must participate.

  3. My family's roots are more humble, but no less important to us.

  4. Faster pace in work means more workload and less or no time for idling.

  5. We hope the penalty he will get will be strictly in accordance with the law, no more and no less.

  6. Its duration may not be less than three months and no more than six months.

  7. Apartments with less than 90 square meters of floor space are expected to account for no more than half that amount.

  8. Insurance companies should have more than 20 billion yuan of assets under management and no less than 500 million yuan of net assets.

  9. Dramas broadcast during those hours can contain no more than one block of commercials and that must run for less than 60 seconds.

  10. These accounts have cash balance of less than 100 yuan, no money in securities balance and engaged no transaction for more than three years.

  英语no more no less的双语例句

  1. Studies have shown that in general the level of domestic violence in the cultural groups at the end of the probability of occurrence of a high chair, high level of education of the parties can often make more sense to deal with marital conflict, which means less use of violence to the other side has no intention of studying.


  2. Glass ― It can prettify us who have no perfect face or make us look more or less literate.


  3. 3Percent more or less in amount and quantity for each article NO.


  4. If we assume that we can tolerate errors of no more than 0.5 LSB, this calculation tells us that in a 16-bit SYSTEM with 10 V FS we must KEEP the total error to less than 76 pV, which is approximately equal to the thermo- ELECTRIC voltage in a nichrome wirewound RESISTOR with copper/nickel leads having about 2℃ temperature difference between its ends.


  5. In the business card printing and membership card production speed and business card printing and membership card production, plastic paper smoothness, Printing Ink viscosity, cards and membership card making and putting it under certain conditions, the transfer rate and business card printing and membership card making pressure more or less so: when the business card printing and membership card when making pressure is too low, ink and paper first contact is not sufficiently, imprinted emptiness is incomplete; then appropriately increased business card printing and membership card making, transfer rate will increase almost identical to the business card printing and membership card making pressure growth into a linear relationship, but when increase to a certain value, the rate of transfer is no longer with the business card printing and membership card making pressure for more, on the contrary, too much stress, it will appear in the outlets of serious expansion, so that on the contrary, fuzzy, density imprinting.


  6. You must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less.


  7. It's four sharp, no more no less.



  英 [ˈtʃɑ:mɪŋ] 美 [ˈtʃɑ:rmɪŋ]


  charming 基本解释

  形容词 迷人的,可爱的; 英俊的.,潇洒的; 令人陶醉的

  动词 使高兴; 使陶醉,使着迷


  1. What a charming young man!


  1. The outdoor seating is charming and casual, while the English staff is helpful and genuinely knowledgeable about what they're serving up.

  2. The interior reminds me of the chair that I sat in on that first lazy afternoon - charming in its simplicity and inelegance.

  3. The travel agency will also change its name to Ctrip Charming International Travel Company.

  4. Construction laborers worked round the clock to build venues before the deadline, volunteers practiced their most charming smiles until their jaws became sore.

  5. A cynical person might find it a bit hokey but it always seemed genuinely fun in an innocent and charming way.

  6. The survey also showed 30 percent of people said cyber language is more charming than traditional language in regards to being " fashionable and unique ".

  7. It's actually surprisingly charming and more emotionally understated than the material would suggest, and a lot of that has to do with Matt Damon's performance.

  8. They'll surely be more eloquent and charming than we are because they'll be selected from a large pool of talented and trained individuals.

  9. There's no need to hurry or plan carefully when visiting Taishun county, which has preserved some of southern Zhejiang province's most charming ancient villages.less的中文意思是什么3篇(扩展5)



  英 [aɪ'tju:nz] 美 [aɪ'tju:nz]

  1. 工具:最新的播客可以在其官网上下载,或使用播客工具(iTunes)订阅RSS订阅连接,只有60集以后的每期的ID3内都包含了除广告信息外的所有对话原文提醒一下原文并非LRC格式,

  2. 音乐平台:Ubuntu 操作系统 | iTunes 音乐平台 | Foxit Reader PDF阅读

  3. (优秀的、跨平台的**播放器应用程序):Ubuntu (当前最受欢迎、用户最多的Linux开源系统) | iTunes (优秀的、跨平台的**播放器应用程序) | TrueCrypt (免费的、开源的、跨平台的虚拟加密磁盘工具)

  4. 播放器音乐管理工具 免费:Dreamweaver网页开发工具收费 | iTunes播放器音乐管理工具免费 | Netvibes个性化主页免费less的中文意思是什么3篇(扩展6)


  This is the one major drawback of the new system.


  This is one of the most commonly used methods.


  In our company, quality is high on the agenda.




  Is this a social visit, or is it business?


  I could come next week, or the week after.


  Do you want the good news or the bad news first?


  What difference will it make if he knows or not?






  形容词 较小的; 较少的(little的比较级); 较次的,较劣的; 较不重要的

  副词 较少地,较小地

  介词 减去; 少掉; 不足

  名词 较少,较小


  1. I was given less cake and fewer biscuits than she had.


  2. He has less strength than I.



  1. Jane's less beautiful than Mary.


  2. Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in England.



  1. She stayed a month less two days.



  1. I could do no less.



  1. (数量)较小(或少)的;更小(或少)的(前面可用a little,a lot,a bit,far和much等修饰)

  You use less to indicate that there is a smaller amount of something than before or than average. You can use 'a little', 'a lot', 'a bit', 'far', and 'much' in front of less.

  e.g. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.


  e.g. ...a dishwasher that uses less water and electricity than older machines...


  2. (用在数字或数量前)少于,低于,比…少

  You use less than before a number or amount to say that the actual number or amount is smaller than this.

  e.g. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside...


  e.g. Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs.


  3. (某一特性的程度与以往或一般情况相比)较轻地,较差地

  You use less to indicate that something or someone has a smaller amount of a quality than they used to or than is average or usual.

  e.g. I often think about those less fortunate than me...


  e.g. Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room...


  4. 不像…(更像…);与其说…(倒不如说…)

  If you say that something is less one thing than another, you mean that it is like the second thing rather than the first.

  e.g. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp...


  e.g. Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.


  5. (做得)较少,更少

  If you do something less than before or less than someone else, you do it to a smaller extent or not as often.

  e.g. We are eating more and exercising less...


  e.g. I see less of any of my friends than I used to.



  1. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the real difference between an open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


  2. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the difference between real open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


  3. In the first decade of the 21st century, the GNP will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being


  4. According to the new subject idea and its special circumstances, the article which combines the new evaluation idea of senior history with the teaching method in the western mountains area in Shijiazhuang, puts forward a new idea about the school work evaluation devolepment of senior history, and offers a refrence for the teachers who are working in the local areas and those who are working in the less developed areas.


  5. So I think I was deceived by the one who sold Hei Hei to me: He said Hei Hei would be less than 1 feet long...




  英 [les] 美 [ls]

  形容词 较小的; 较少的(little的比较级); 较次的,较劣的`; 较不重要的

  副词 较少地,较小地

  介词 减去; 少掉; 不足

  名词 较少,较小


  1. Workers have been able to form trade unions in less than 50 percent of the Fortune Global 500 firms doing business in China till now.

  2. The index shows an improved business climate when it is more than 100, and a worsening climate when the reading is less.

  3. But its reputation as an important transportation and business hub in the US is less familiar.

  4. Authorities are also giving foreign insurers wider business scope and less geographical limits.

  5. The export business transaction in this market is fast and convenient, the company's tea stockpile was cleared in less than a week.

  6. The great majority of French businesses find their China operations contributing less than 5 percent of their total business volume nowadays.

  7. These people should realize that the more counterfeit goods they buy, the less room quality national and multinational manufacturers have to establish their brands.

  8. Desperate to save as much as possible, she has started buying tuna canned in China because they cost less.



  B:You‘re asking too much for this part .


  A:we have some cheaper ones .


  B:What is the price difference ?


  A:The basic model will cost about 10% less .



  A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .


  B:But that costs more .


  A:But you will get less waste from this .


  B:We‘ll try it once .



  A:Front Desk. Can I help you?


  B:Yes. I'm checking out now, and want to get a taxi to the cinema. Could you get one for me, please?


  A:Certainly, sir. I'll get a taxi for you. Are you going directly to the cinema?


  B:No. I need to stop by the shop.


  A:OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes.It will take less than 5 minutes to check out.

  好,10分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等候。 退房最多只需5分钟。

  B:Good. Thank you. I'll be right down.






  • (*)
